Biscotti with Hazelnuts
(portion:10-12 people)
- 6 each dry figs
- 1 water glass raisins
- 1 water glass roasted hazelnuts
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 water glass milk
- 1.5-2 water glasses einkorn wheat flour
- 2 tablespoons coconut sugar
- 1 package baking powder
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
How to prepare:
Dry figs and raisins are kept in hot water for 10-15 min. beforehand and then cut into cubes.
All ingredients are mixed in a deep bowl and dough is set.
2 rolls of dough are made on the counter sprinkled with flour.
Precooking at 175°C for 20 minutes.
Taken from the oven and cooled.
After it cools down then sliced into half cm thickness and tray again.
It is cooked for 15 minutes at 175 °C.
Note: The dough will be soft when it first come out of the oven and will harden as it cools.
Arzu Sönmez