Gelişen Toplumlar

Acces to Clean Water and Hygiene

Acces to Clean Water and Hygiene

In the village of Esmahanım, there was a water shortage in the lower part where the workers' houses we renovated had a local water stress. This year we have provided a clean water supply to both the farmers and the seasonal migrant workers by carrying out a water network renewal work covering a total of 57 households.

Mobile toilets and showers, water fountains and water tanks were built in the campsite of Düzpelit of Ordu province, where approximately 200 seasonal migrant workers were living, and we set up the installation in cooperation with local authorities.

With these projects Olam improved the living conditions of seasonal migrant workers who had no access to clean drinking water and were living in a way lacking basic necessities. We have signed a pioneering work in the farms as an example of cooperation between private sector and farmers. Our aim is to ensure that decent working and living conditions are provided for seasonal agricultural workers. We will continue to raise awareness of both farmers and relevant actors.